The Turner Diaries

Carrying on the zine tradition, there are a couple fellas actually producing a hard copy mag in this day and age of blogs, ebooks, tweets and other assorted digital formats that have all but destroyed the print medium. The zine is Another Mirror At The End of the Road, and the latest edition features an extended article about — and interview with — everybody’s favorite alleged stalker and conspiracy theorist extraordinaire, Jeffrey Deane Turner.

The article in question is titled “The Turner Enigma” written by my friend, colleague and Turner chronicler, Douglas Hawes, and the interview conducted by Mirror editor, Hiram Corso, which gets into a lot of typically strange shit to be expected when shooting the breeze with Jeff Turner, such as the following passage from their chat outlining pop star Tiffany’s role as time traveler and multi-dimensional super hero babe.

“…only Tiffany and a few other people know what would have been the original timeline on Earth. Tiffany has been given so much power to alter the structure of reality. Another time, a large heavenly mass was headed towards the Earth – Tiffany dissolved the Earth so that there was just a large image of her face in space where the Earth had been, and the mass passed through it, and then she reassembled the Earth and catastrophe was averted.” – Jeff Turner

Below is a photo of an exhibit Turner put together for the Santa Cruz library featuring Tiffany as the focal point of his time travel research, with various related books on Tesla and whatnot surrounding her holy visage.


For a copy of Another Mirror At The End Of The Road write to:

Gammon House Publishing

Post Office Box 6128

Wheeling, WV  26003

Or email at:

Apparently, these guys are such Luddites they don’t even have a website.

More on Jeff Turner’s conspiratorial cosmology here.

~ by gorightly on April 23, 2009.

2 Responses to “The Turner Diaries”

  1. “…only Tiffany and a few other people know what would have been the original timeline on Earth. Tiffany has been given so much power to alter the structure of reality. Another time, a large heavenly mass was headed towards the Earth – Tiffany dissolved the Earth so that there was just a large image of her face in space where the Earth had been, and the mass passed through it, and then she reassembled the Earth and catastrophe was averted.” – Jeff Turner

    sets a new standard for fawning stupidity

    should sell great


  2. Howdy Adam,

    I liked your post on the new edition of “Another Mirror at the End of the Road,” and its focus on “The Turner Diaries.” Great line about Tiffany as “time traveler and multi-dimensional super hero babe.”

    So I am still itching my head about dozens of assertions made in Jeff’s lengthy interview, particularly the segment you quoted, about how Tiffany one time during the time travel program “dissolved the Earth…. then she reassembled the Earth and catastrophe was averted”… Where does Jeff come up with these claims? Was he fed this stuff as another layer of disinformation, with his handlers knowing he would not be able to keep his mouth shut?

    So in typical fashion, I have subjected Jeff to a series of intense interrogation and debriefing sessions, asking him pointed questions about these wild claims, in the aftermath of the zine’s publication. He came back with some startling explanations, which almost made sense. Like his encounters with Dean Stockwell at a number of conventions, and their candid and revealing conversations. (Check out this Stockwell character, at length, in a wikipedia search – – he is very interesting. He also is a very good friend of Neil Young, and was the person who wrote the “After the Gold Rush” screenplay – – an important element in Jeff’s time travel cosmology.)

    So I also put Jeff to task for his continuing assertions that the whole Cthulu Mythos described initially in H.P. Lovecraft’s novels actually exists in real time. I mean, he believes that Cthulu, Yog-Sothoth, Trelaine Squire of Gothos, Nyarlathotep, and the others, are actual deities, the ancient “Outer Gods.” I do not buy his explanations. (I told him to read The Book of Enoch for an authentic exploration of Ancient Middle Eastern Gods and angelic beings.)

    So I hope I made some headway in these sessions in debunking one of the central parts of Jeff’ belief system. This “Jeffism” revolves around the central triumvirate at the center of his Illuminati thesis, based on King Nimrod, his mother-wife queen Semiramis, and their child Tammuz, starting the Illuminati in ancient Babylon. I recently sent him materials showing this thesis, initially presented in Anglican churchman Alexander Hislop’s “Two Babylons” (1853), has long been discredited. Furthermore, these materials discuss how the notorious Chick publications keeps alive this myth in their bible tract comic books. And in my analysis, I suggested to Jeff that Chick might have some alterior motive for propagating the myth, emanating from this cult like organization.

    Anyway, there is way too much interesting information – – and experiences – – in the Jeff Turner universe, to entirely discard it. In fact, it would be a big mistake to do so. It would be like throwing out the Baby with the Bath Water.

    The coolest assertion that Jeff makes in the interview is his claim that he fulfills the prophecies regarding the “Widow’s Son,” a central figure in Masonic tradition and cosmology. I find that fascinating.

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