The Art Of Jack Kevorkian




For more Kevorkian madness, go here.

~ by gorightly on December 18, 2007.

4 Responses to “The Art Of Jack Kevorkian”

  1. oh. my. god. I can’t believe I didn’t know about this. Poor Kevorkian. I’d like to analyze HIS apple tree. Thank you so much for these and the link.

  2. I am here to serve.

  3. I keep going back to look at these… There is something so ‘liminal’ or borderline about them, like a cross between a really earnest 10th grade design class effort and Hieronymous Bosch.

  4. Yes, a haunting quality pervades these paintings. They do indeed leave an impression, reminiscent of outsider art, particularly the types created by tortured souls. What I get out of these works are a sense of persecution, which should come as no surprise given the good doctor’s battles with authority for providing a service he considers for the greater good of man. However, we can’t ignore the dark side of Kevorkian (Dr. Death)–that he seemed to get some perverse pleasure out of performing the act.

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